1.6 Cell division

Essential idea:
Cell division is essential but must be controlled.
Understandings: Nature of science:
  • Mitosis is division of the nucleus into two genetically identical daughter nuclei.
  • Chromosomes condense by supercoiling during mitosis.
  • Cytokinesis occurs after mitosis and is different in plant and animal cells.
  • Interphase is a very active phase of the cell cycle with many processes occurring in the nucleus and cytoplasm.
  • Cyclins are involved in the control of the cell cycle. Mutagens, oncogenes and metastasis are involved in the development of primary and secondary tumours.
  • Serendipity and scientific discoveries—the discovery of cyclins was accidental. (1.4)
    Applications : Guidance:
    The correlation between smoking and incidence of cancers.

  • The sequence of events in the four phases of mitosis should be known.
  • Preparation of temporary mounts of root squashes is recommended but phases in mitosis can also be viewed using permanent slides.
  • To avoid confusion in terminology, teachers are encouraged to refer to the two parts of a chromosome as sister chromatids, while they are attached to each other by a centromere in the early stages of mitosis.
  • From anaphase onwards, when sister chromatids have separated to form individual structures, they should be referred to as chromosomes.
  • Skill: Theory of knowledge:
  • Identification of phases of mitosis in cells viewed with a microscope or in a micrograph.
  • Determination of a mitotic index from a micrograph.
  • A number of scientific discoveries are claimed to be incidental or serendipitous. To what extent might some of these scientific discoveries be the result of intuition rather than luck?


    Topic 1 Cell Biology Copyright © by Alex Black. All Rights Reserved.

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